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March 2020

Meet the Samoyed
March 30, 2020

xoIRs06SxO5vt95P1zOo_90631948_204524487278188_8942874852398727168_n.jpgWhen I was a child, my mother enrolled my American Cocker Spaniel “Peanut” and I in a dog obedience training course that was specially designed for. The course was taught by a man who owned 3 Samoyeds and brought them to every class to demonstrate exercises. Before the course I had never laid my eyes on a Samoyed before. I remember telling my mom that they looked like “stuffed animals and Christmas morning”! Since then, I have remained enchanted by the breed and am not alone. The Samoyed has fans around the world and for good reason - they are charming, intelligent and sensitive dogs.

breeder, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips breeder, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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Bo7OngWeQR6i9i9QPNC4_iStock-950847200.jpgThere’s lots for dog lovers to do at home!

As COVID-19 continues to spread and thousands of Canadians are self-isolating, as well as social distancing, it’s hard not to panic. While we are all a bit anxious during these unprecedented times, the fact that many of us won’t be leaving for work for a while is nothing but good news for our dogs. 
Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Tips, training Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Tips, training
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hjG4UoKTuiW4oaMMCYRi_11-16-19-Gaiting-at-National-Dog-Show-Havanese7-copy.jpgA conversation with a great Canadian.

If you don’t know who Taffe McFadden is, chances are, you know her dogs. Taffe is one of America’s premier professional handlers seen at all the major televised dog shows including the AKC National Dogs Show, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show as well as hundreds of shows in between.
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Conformation, Ian Lynch Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Conformation, Ian Lynch
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