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June 2020

F0yJ7LC7TisXtG5AgC5E_iStock-1015480764.jpgHow to celebrate differently with your dog this year 

This year’s Pride will be very different as cities across Canada cancel their Pride parades and festivals amid the COVID-19 pandemic. But that doesn't mean Pride is canceled. The celebration continues as there's still a community and there's still a fight for rights and representation. The only thing that has changed this year is how we'll celebrate. We need Pride and some fun more than ever. 
Canada, CKC member, Holiday, Ian Lynch, Tips Canada, CKC member, Holiday, Ian Lynch, Tips
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85NEgAqFRarYkjj45BF5_iStock-146715466.jpgExposing your puppy to new situations amid this pandemic

I got a new puppy! We are registered for gifts at Ren’s Pets. Just kidding (I wish though). I bought my Doberman pup in early May. She was born at the end of February and thus is a total “COVID Puppy”. It’s a term. Trust me.

Although the world got flipped upside down this spring, the anticipation and the excitement of seeing litter pics as well as chatting with her wonderful breeder and finally going to pick up our puppy really got us through a challenging time.
FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training
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Let’s Train!
June 18, 2020
received_2655014904760731-2.jpegreceived_2655014904760731-3.jpegA Closer Look at Positive Reinforcement Training

As many of us sit at home in quarantine during the pandemic, we are left with free time. What a wonderful time to spend with your dog and train!  Many of us partake in training classes throughout the year, however now we are left on our own.  All experts know in order to master any new skill, it takes patience, consistency, and practice.  In light of our new found spare time, I thought it may be of interest to share a little about positive reinforcement dog training.

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Meet the Skye Terrier
June 09, 2020

GHGYJVATmuyHpkmqC8Qu_Ms-White-copy.jpg“Loyalty and Duty are Skye Terrier watch words and he never fails to adhere to the terms of that standard even when his owner may waiver. A Skye Terrier never forgets and never forgives.” Dr. Richard Meen.

With such a devoted nature in a size suited to city or country living with easier than it looks grooming requirements, you might be asking “Why are Skyes so rare?”. Other breeds have become more popular and with little ‘commercial’ popularity, the ownership of, and demand for Skye Terriers, has decreased. If you decide to get a Skye Terrier, you will not only be helping an endangered breed, but will probably be the only one in your neighbourhood with one. You will also get the chance to meet your neighbours often as everyone will be asking “What type of dog is that?!?”.

Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, terrier, Tips Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, terrier, Tips
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