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M9C 5K6
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June 2019

yMDSDDaMSg6vhx8GlkDk_MeashaLeroyJune2019.jpgA new addition requires careful planning, consideration and supervision.

I bought a new puppy this spring! Feel free to send gifts to the CKC head office and they will forward them over to me (just kidding). I had been planning on getting a second dog for years.  I’m the kind of person who really looks before he leaps, sometimes this is a good quality to have, and at other times it’s exhausting. 
CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training
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Make the most out of the year’s warmest months with these summer safety tips.

Summer always promises big fun in the great outdoors: beach days, picnics, cottage getaways, camping trips and more. While summer is undoubtedly Canada’s favourite time to get out and enjoy our beautiful landscape, the season presents certain hazards to our beloved dogs. With some tips and awareness, you can take advantage of the summer months safely with your best friend.
Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Summer, Tips Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Summer, Tips
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