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June 2017

7 Summer Safety Tips
August 08, 2017

Ira-Glasses.jpgIt’s taken a while, but summer is finally in full swing! For many of you, that means adventure is just around the corner, but warm weather brings along risks and challenges... especially if you have flat-faced pals like I do. To help you have a safe, fun-filled summer with your best friend, I have compiled a list of my top tips.

Water water water!  Hydration is so important during the hot summer months, for both your pets and you! Bring a water bottle and collapsible bowl on your daily outings, making sure to stop for drinks often. Water can be a friend in many other ways, too; wet your pet down with cool water before and during time outdoors, treat them to a kiddie pool if you have a yard (this suggestion comes highly recommended by yours truly), and if you do dog sports, consider investing in a cooling coat or bandana...

Sarah Hosick, Summer, Tips Sarah Hosick, Summer, Tips
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