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July 2018


1-Chevy-Golden-Retriever-stats-2.jpgThere is no feeling in the world like stepping into the ring with a dog you have trained and competed with for years. It is akin to slipping on a comfortable pair of slippers. The teamwork and connection you feel is incomparable. There are numerous considerations in keeping your senior dog physically fit so that you can enjoy many years enjoying the sports you both love.

It is extremely important to catch injuries or signs of arthritis as early as possible to maintain optimal mobility and fitness. One of the most important factors is to find a veterinarian and/or certified professional (animal-certified physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, etc.) knowledgeable about sports medicine and dog sports.

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chips001.jpgA dog finding a bag of chips can lead to an owner’s worst nightmare in a matter of minutes.

Doctors and personal trainers tell us to avoid potato chips – they are full of fat and salt, but did you know that Canada’s favourite snack also presents an enormous danger to your four legged buddy? 

Picture this scenario: you come home after a long day of work and plant yourself on the couch with a cold beverage and a bag of chips to watch Netflix with your best friend. After consuming a portion you won’t be bragging about on social media, you toss the bag on your coffee table and eventually you doze off on the couch next to your pup. We’ve all done it, but it’s not the chip portioning we need to worry about in this scenario – it’s your dog’s life.
pet health, safety, tips pet health, safety, tips
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dogpark001.jpgIt’s not always easy to find a place for your dog to run and play when you live in a densely populated neighbourhood. When on-leash and on-concrete options won’t do, leash-free zones—also known as “dog parks”—become the go-to spaces for many dog owners in Canada’s urban and suburban areas.

With the ever increasing urbanization of rural areas, dog parks remain a reality for many owners, as it’s better to take Fido to a dog park for 30 minutes to let off some steam, rather than have him chew a hole in your door, reduce your sofa to shreds or help with your interior decorating in some other imaginative way. Therefore, keep the following tips in mind:
Canine Good Neighbour, How to, pet health, tips Canine Good Neighbour, How to, pet health, tips
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iggyjoey-1.jpgInstagram has over 500 million active users on a daily basis. Instagram is favoured as a passive social media platform where users can look at pictures of their favourite things – travel destinations, fashion and, of course, dogs.  Many people love taking a break from the stress of daily life by scrolling through cute pup pics. It’s no secret that Canada homes thousands of gorgeous dogs but, did you know that some Canadian dogs are among the most followed dogs on Instagram? Here are a few of my favourites. 
Canada, tips Canada, tips
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