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December 2017

iStock-503081582.jpg‘Tis the season for parties, yule log TV, gift giving, and while we may enjoy all the festivities, our pets might need a bit of extra help coping with all of our holly jollies. All the extra commotion can be really confusing to our pups and it can be difficult for them to stay calm and collected in the face of all the new additions to the house... like wrapped gifts, trees (“but you never let me bring my sticks inside!” - Rex), and plates upon plates of sweets and meats.

 Though there isn’t any surefire training you can do in just a few short days before Christmas to avoid the present spoiling of a lifetime, what you can do is manage and prevent unwanted behaviours. Real change with training takes up to three weeks, so management and prevention are a key component in any training plan, but it’s important to remember that it is temporary - don’t expect miracles, people! 

Holiday, Sarah Hosick, Tips Holiday, Sarah Hosick, Tips
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It’s hard to imagine a more heart-warming sight.  As Christmas morning dawns, an excited child scrambles to the tree, unwrapping a large box tied with a bow.  Inside, his or her new puppy awaits.  Screams of delight ensue and the perfect Christmas morning Youtube video is born.

What a great present, right? Wrong. A dog is for life, not a holiday gift.

Puppies are not presents and should never be a surprise. Choosing to add a dog to your family is a long term commitment that requires lots of discussion, thought and research. So, whether you’re buying for a child or an adult, if you’re feeling the pressure to find the perfect last minute gift we recommend you consider a sweater instead. 
puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership
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BSL-Logo1.jpgThe year is coming to a close and externally, it was a very strange year from a lot of perspectives, particularly in the political arena. The media must have had a field day with all of the bizarre stories surfacing throughout the year that made watching the news or scanning the headlines like being hooked to the latest reality TV sensation. 

Sometimes CKC politics is also a strong contender to capture the attention of those seeking intrigue, titillation or even shock.    

I know that politics and government are two different things but sometimes it’s hard to separate the two.  And government politics can be tough when it comes to the policies and mandate of the CKC. But with the support and collaboration of my fellow members, the Board of Directors, and other involved parties, I’ve learned a lot about navigating the halls of government administration.  
BC, BSL, Canine Good Neighbour, Lance Novak, Responsible Dog Ownership BC, BSL, Canine Good Neighbour, Lance Novak, Responsible Dog Ownership
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