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August 2020

Getting out there
August 27, 2020
t8xwCzSLQxjakzywacYQ_Dog-Walk-August-2020-Susanne-10.jpgBC dog lovers gathered to promote purebred dogs

Although we all like to post photos of our dogs on our Facebook and Instagram pages, nothing really shows off how great purebred dogs are like taking them out in public. I have three dogs that all look very different (Standard Poodle, Doberman Pinscher and a Dandie Dinmont Terrier) and let me tell you, there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t have answer a question about my dogs-lately from a distance of six feet. 
BC, Canada, CKC member, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds BC, Canada, CKC member, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds
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Supporting our Friends
August 20, 2020
Q76GxiJ3SS6V8oeSDXeV_iStock-470001018-1.jpgHow to help our dog family out amid the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 has been like no year we have seen before.  This pandemic has given us such enormous amounts of trouble and changed so much- COVID-19 has taken so much of what we took for granted included our beloved dog sports. Gathering with our human “dog friends” is returning slowly, however this pandemic has left many in the fancy without the steady income, or social interaction with their “dog friends” that they were once used to....
Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, grooming, Ian Lynch Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, grooming, Ian Lynch
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The Retractable Leash
August 12, 2020
RaUZmzzsRD692ASjnjWD_iStock-999490664-1.jpgA popular tool that must be used with extreme caution
While I share a common bond with all dog owners, I have a few dog care (or rather, lack of dog care) pet peeves. One is seeing a dog with overgrown nails. Another is owners not picking up after their dogs. The third is the incorrect use of retractable leads.
Retractable leashes are incredibly common- you can buy them at every pet supply store, big box stores and online. It would be rare to meet a dog owner who hasn’t bought a retractable leash at some point in their life. 
Canada, FAQs, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips Canada, FAQs, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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