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August 2019

Coyote Safety Tips
August 21, 2019

D59zEDgcRoa90fRhLb5S_iStock-1149269101-1.jpgHow to coexist with this wild member of the dog family

I recently encountered a coyote while walking my dogs in the afternoon in a park in downtown Toronto. I had previously seen two coyotes about a year ago while I was at the gym as one of the club’s huge windows look out to a set of train tracks.  At first, I figured they had somehow got lost (jumped onto a car while a train was it was stopped looking for food and ended up in the big city).

Canada, Ian Lynch, pet health, Summer, Tips Canada, Ian Lynch, pet health, Summer, Tips
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VA39vDjJT6kUxGXtbRqG_iStock-474841900.jpgCareful consideration, trust and intuition is needed when hiring this member of your dog’s care team. 

Benefits of a Dog Walker
Many of us lead busy lives and work outside the home. It’s not unusual for a dog owner to be away from the home for 10 hours a day. I personally don’t think it is fair to leave a dog to be home alone for that amount of time, so for me, and countless urban dog owners, a dog walker is an important part of our pet’s care team. A dog walker is an individual you are giving a key to your home and leaving your dog’s care in the hands of. Needless to say, this is not a position you fill on a whim!
Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, puppy, safety, Summer, Tips, training Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, puppy, safety, Summer, Tips, training
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