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August 2018

SprinterImage.jpgAugust is now over and I’ve noticed a few of those first dry leaves that drop to remind you that summer will not be around for much longer.  In defiance, we ignore them and continue to enjoy the outdoor shows, events and patios.  So far, the summer has been eventful in a lot of ways.  

Ottawa was the location of the Annual General Meeting in June that brought many members together for an event that provided opportunity to recognize the contributions of several renowned members that were also in attendance.  I encourage you to view the video recording of the AGM. Watch for more AGM highlights over the coming months that will include interviews with recipients of awards at the Member Recognition Reception. 
advocacy, AGM, IT4YOU, Lance Novak, sprinter advocacy, AGM, IT4YOU, Lance Novak, sprinter
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Creating Crate Success!
August 29, 2018
IMAGE1.jpgYou’ve probably heard from other dog owners that crate training is incredibly helpful in housebreaking a puppy and you’ve definitely seen dogs at shows and trials in crates - but why should you crate train your dog? For one, it’s very natural. Crate training takes advantage of your dog's natural instincts as a den animal. A wild dog's den is their home—a place to sleep, hide from danger and raise a family. If introduced properly, the crate will become your dog's den, where they can find comfort and solitude while you know they’re safe and secure. Crate training can save your furniture, your floors and even your dog’s life.

If you are lucky enough to have gotten your puppy from a breeder who started the crate training process before she sent her puppies to their forever homes, you will be ahead of the game. But for the purpose of this blog, I will start with the assumption that your puppy has had no previous crate experience.
Ian Lynch, Puppy, tips, training Ian Lynch, Puppy, tips, training
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image1.jpgAs children, we all have dreams.  For some we dream of what we want to be when we grow up or places we wish to see.  I had a different dream.  I dreamed of the day when I would own a purebred dog and be in a dog show. While my friends were planning on becoming doctors or dreaming of the day they would visit Disneyland, I was envisioning myself at the most prestigious dog show in North America: the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. 

As a small child, I can recall spending endless hours sitting on our shag carpet watching The Westminster on our floor model television.  I remember my mother telling me to move back insisting “You’re going to hurt your eyes.  You’re sitting too close!”  As I sat there with my eyes glued to the screen, I dreamed of the day that I would walk in the ring.
conformation conformation
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CKCJrNationals2017.jpgJunior Handling is an awesome event offered by the Canadian Kennel Club at most dog shows across the country in two disciplines: Conformation and Obedience. This blog will focus on Junior Handling in the Conformation ring. This is where children and teenagers under the age of 18 compete but, it’s not the dog’s conformation being judged in this ring – it’s the handling skills. Teamwork between handler and dog is what brings home the ribbons here.
Conformation, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling Conformation, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling
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Falko.jpgThe World Dog Show 2018 was held from August 8th to 12th, 2018 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Over 33,000 dogs of over 350 different breeds from 74 countries competed and the event drew over 40,000 dog lovers. Beautifully organized by the Dutch Kennel Club, featuring Dutch Cultural Heritage with and an exemplary focus on the well-being of the dogs through their on-site Dog Welfare Team.

The event featured three shows for each breed. The Benelux Winner show was held on the Thursday where Breed, Group and Best in Show winners were awarded. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were World Dog Show days where each breed had ring time and a special show. Best in Show was chosen on Sunday and Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen CH Frosty Snowman was the big winner. Congratulations to owner Gwen Huikeshoven of Holland!

It should come as no surprise that Canadian Dogs  were in the ribbons showcasing the high quality our breeders are know for. Here are some highlights featuring dogs owned, bred and/or handled by Canadian Kennel Club Members.
Conformation, Ian Lynch, world dog show Conformation, Ian Lynch, world dog show
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Group Focus: Terriers
August 13, 2018
dog1.jpgGood luck describing the Terrier Group without using the adjective “Feisty”! Terriers were bred to hunt and kill vermin above and below the ground as well as guard their family’s home and barn. The short-legged terriers were bred to go underground. The long-legged Terriers hunted by digging out varmints and the group’s “bull” breeds were created centuries ago for appalling activities like bull baiting and dog fighting, long since banned, and today are cherished companion dogs.
This Group is unique in many ways, but especially when it comes to land of origin as most of the Terriers come from the British Isles. They vary in size from the small but sturdy Norwich to the grand Airedale. Terriers make great pets in the right home. They have a real zest for life and love to learn, but are easily bored so they require an owner whose determination matches theirs.
agility, Ian, Lynch, terrier agility, Ian, Lynch, terrier
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Screen-Shot-2018-08-09-at-8-32-33-AM.pngIt’s #NationalSpoilYourDogDay! 🐩 What a great excuse to spoil your furry friend with some juicy and refreshing watermelon. 🍉 Believe it or not, watermelon is actually good for dogs! It’s low in calories and packed with nutrients like Vitamin A and Potassium.
Just be sure to take common sense safety precautions such as ensuring there is no rind (to avoid an upset stomach), and no seeds (to avoid intestinal blockages).

Feel Good, nutrition Feel Good, nutrition
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BevTaylor2015BB3.jpgIn the barren expanses of the Canadian arctic, the Thule Inuit people have carved out an existence for millennia. A resourceful and hardy people, it is doubtful that the Inuit would have survived the harsh conditions without their beloved canine companions, known as “Qimmiq” (“dog") and to non-Inuktitut speakers as the Canadian Eskimo Dog (CED). Accompanying their people from Asia to North America, the Eskimo Dogs’ lives were inextricably bound to those of the Inuit. Serving primarily as a draught animal, they were expected to pull loads between 45 to 80 kg per dog, and cover distances ranging from 15 to 70 miles per day; what the camel was to desert dwellers, the Canadian Eskimo Dog was to the people of the Far North. They also assisted hunters by locating seal breathing holes, and holding musk oxen and polar bears at bay.
canada, Canadian Breed canada, Canadian Breed
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