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April 2019

Mission was born to do agility and it shows. He has been in the Top 10 for the past five years, finally earning the #1 spot in 2018. More than just an agility star, Mission has also earned top-dog accolades in obedience and rally. We finally caught up with Mission’s breeder and owner Brenda, who gives us some insight into keeping her dog in fit and competitive.
agility, Canada, CKC Top Dogs, CKCTopDogs, Dog Show, interview agility, Canada, CKC Top Dogs, CKCTopDogs, Dog Show, interview
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4UaklsvgQiGY7nx3p9SN_Hudson-with-everyone-Day-3.jpgThe dog show world is something I have always been interested in but never thought I would get the chance to be a part of. When my husband Ross and I brought our Lagotto Romagnolo puppy Hudson home last year, he brought so much love into our world and he definitely kept us on our toes…this particular breed likes to keep busy! 
Dog Show, Feel Good, Lagotto Romagnolo, obedience, puppy Dog Show, Feel Good, Lagotto Romagnolo, obedience, puppy
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Easter Safety Tips
April 17, 2019
f3x7gOSVenyBXKtSN2DA_638552430-1.jpgBeing aware of potential hazards can help you and your dog have a Happy Easter.

Many families and friends gather this time of year to celebrate Easter and included in that guest list is, of course, our beloved dogs. While Easter is a fun and cherished holiday, as with any gathering where food and a large number of people are involved, it can present some dangers to our pups. I’ve listed some items to be cautious of this Easter because when it comes to dogs, preventing a situation is a thousand times better than having to deal with one.
Feel Good, Holiday, Ian Lynch, nutrition, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, Tips Feel Good, Holiday, Ian Lynch, nutrition, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, Tips
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Shoreman-2.jpgThe dog community is mourning the loss of Michael Shoreman, a great dog man, who passed away on March 25.
Mike loved all purebred dogs and dedicated his life to breeding quality dogs, judging with integrity and, most importantly, sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with everyone around him. 
breeder, CKC member, Conformation, Conformation Judge, Dog Show breeder, CKC member, Conformation, Conformation Judge, Dog Show
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