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April 2018

Screen-Shot-2018-04-30-at-8-04-21-AM.pngOne of the four imperatives in CKC’s three-year strategic plan is “Advocating for purebred dogs, The Canadian Kennel Club and All Dogs”.   This includes lobbying all levels of government and all stakeholders. So, where does one begin when there are so many challenges facing the dog fancy?  Restrictions on the exportation of puppies to the US, canine and human health risks associated with the importation of rescue dogs into Canada, horrific cultural ceremonies involving dogs in foreign countries.      
Advocacy, BC, Lance Novak, QC Advocacy, BC, Lance Novak, QC
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PetExpo.JPGThe Canadian Kennel Club’s staff volunteers and member-ambassadors kept busy over Easter weekend, tending a booth at the well-attended Spring Canadian Pet Expo. Situated near the end of “Breeder’s Row,” the easily identifiable signature blue-and-white CKC booth proved to be a popular stop for passers-by — probably thanks to volunteers’ dogs “Maggie” the jovial Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, “Zorra” the comical Chinese Crested, and “Munsel” the poised Do Khyi (Tibetan Mastiff) puppy. Other member-ambassadors also generously volunteered their time and expertise, including a couple of extraordinarily well-trained Black Russian Terriers, whose antics amidst the teeming show hall attracted a large crowd of spectators. The dogs’ owners and CKC staff knowledgeably answered numerous and varied questions from what seemed like an endless stream of curious visitors. 
Canine Good Neighbour Canine Good Neighbour
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William_Blundell.jpgHave you ever wanted to talk to your dog while in the show ring or find out what she really thinks about the stud you are breeding her with? Well, the CKC is extremely excited to announce the next CKC seminar, Canine Second Language with Dr. William Blundell, DVM Phd.

A pioneer of CSL and well-respected veterinarian, Blundell started developing his method of communication 20 years ago while living in the bush of Tanzania with his dear friends, husband and wife animal specialists, Otto and Sabine Krämer. Originally, he intended it only for personal use as a way to communicate with the 4 dogs he shares his home with in scenic Welland, Ontario. But, after a few years...

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