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Notice to Spaniel Field Trial Clubs

The Spaniel Council met in January 2025 with respect to the eligibility for Spaniels to qualify for the National Championship Stakes. The Council carried the following motion that was referred to the Board of Directors at the March 2025 meeting.
“THAT the Policy & Procedure Manual Chapter VII Shows and Trials, Section P Field Trials and Tests, Subsection (6) Spaniel Field Trials be amended effective Immediately as follows:
VII Shows and Trials, Section 
P Field Trials and Tests
(6) Spaniel Field Trials 
  1. No two (2) clubs shall be granted approval to hold Spaniel Field Trials on the same date unless they are outside the mileage restrictions. Spaniel Working Tests are deemed not to conflict with Spaniel Field Trials and may run concurrently regardless of mileage.
  1. Eligibility for the National Open and National Amateur Championship Stakes
Qualification for entry to the National Open Championship or National Amateur Championship will be in accordance with Chapter 12, National Open Championship Stake & National Amateur Championship Stake in the Sporting Spaniel Field Trial Rules, with the clarification that dogs must earn their qualification in Open or Amateur stakes that are open to all sporting spaniels. Breed specific spaniel stake placements do not qualify for entry into either the National Open Championship or National Amateur Championship.
  1. The exception to this policy will be for dogs that qualified in 2024.”
Please note that this motion was carried by the Board and is effective immediately. Should you have any questions please speak to your local Spaniel Field Trial Council Representative.
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