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mail[email protected] Telephone 416-675-5511 TelephoneToll-Free 1-855-364-7252 location 5397 Eglinton Avenue W.
Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
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Notice to All Clubs - Health Reminders

This notice is to provide clubs with a reminder regarding the health of the dogs on the premises of events.
No dog may be brought onto the grounds or premises of an event if it:
  1. Is known to have distemper, parvovirus, kennel cough or other communicable disease;
  2. Has recovered from distemper, parvovirus, kennel cough or other communicable disease within the last 30 days (prior to the event);
  3. Has been housed within 30 days prior to the event on premises on which there existed distemper, parvovirus, kennel cough or other communicable disease.
Clubs do have the right to remove a dog from the event premises and the exhibitor may be subject to disciplinary action if it is found that CKC rules have been contravened.
At events where judges will be checking bites, judges should be encouraged to have the exhibitors show the bite. If the judge insists on checking bites themselves, they are expected to use hand sanitizer or soap and water in between each exhibit. Please ensure that sanitizer wipes and bottles of hand sanitizer are available at all times at events.
It is suggested that clubs include this information in their Premium Lists as a reminder to exhibitors.
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