We are pleased to announce two successful recipients of the CKC Bursary Award!

At the Ontario Veterinary College, Myles St-Denis is honoured to receive the CKC Veterinary Student Scholarship for 2024. Myles was selected for his experience in oncology research investigating novel adjuvant chemotherapy drugs for treating canine osteosarcoma, a common, aggressive form of bone cancer in dogs. Myles shares his accomplishments and plans for his future attached here in his biography.

CKC Member, Dr, Simon Verge, proudly presented the award to Alexa Lefebvre at the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire Student Awards Ceremony at the Université de Montréal, on December 12.
The Canadian Kennel Club is proud to continue to support the five veterinary colleges in Canada in 2025 through our CKC Veterinary Bursary, allowing students to continue their education in the field of veterinary medicine.