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Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
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If you’ve lost registration paperwork or certificates due to circumstances out of your control (fires, floods, etc.), please reach out to us using one of the above methods and we can help replace your important documents.

New “MY CLUBS” Tab Soon to be Available in Your Member Portal!

The CKC is pleased to share with you that we will be launching new club information and functionality through your CKC Member Portal.
A new “MY CLUBS” tab will be added to your CKC Member Portal next week. The MY CLUBS tab will be available to the Club Officers, Regional Directors, and custom roles indicated below. It will display club information such as Contact information, Club Officers, Priority dates, Area of Operation, and Approved Event Types.
With the new MY CLUBS tab, you NO LONGER need to send CKC the paper form if you need to change Club officers or directors! Club Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and/or Treasurer) will instead be able to make these changes online by simply clicking on the MY CLUBS tab. Regional Directors will have viewing access only. For further convenience, the club can give access to “others” such as the Event Secretary or Show Superintendent to view club information.
Once this new feature is launched next week, you will be able to access it by selecting “MY CKC” and then clicking on “MY CLUBS” in your Member Portal.
PLEASE NOTE: Club Officers must be a CKC member in good standing to access the MY CLUBS tab.
We hope you will enjoy this new functionality. CKC is here to support you and your club! When the MY CLUBS tab is launched next week, a training document on how to use the new features will be available on the CKC Website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at [email protected]call us at 1-888-364-7252 or connect with us through Live Chat on
AccueilHome > News > 2025 > February > New “MY CLUBS” Tab Soon to be Available in Your Member Portal!