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PEI Representative Needed for CKC’s Advocacy Committee!

We need a CKC member representative from Prince Edward Island (PEI) to join CKC’s new national Advocacy Committee for the 2024-2026 term. Representatives for the other provinces were appointed by the CKC Board of Directors this summer. These committed volunteers will help us to advance CKC’s strategic advocacy priorities and work with CKC staff to represent these priorities with government in each province across the country.

Due to the many challenges impacting purebred dogs and CKC members today, the Advocacy Committee will help shape how we try and influence government, in support of the health and well-being of purebred dogs in Canada.

Applicants must be voting members. Voting members are considered those members who are in good standing and who have completed one year of continuous membership in the Club. To be considered, please complete this fillable form. Send your completed form by email to [email protected] with “Advocacy Committee” noted in the subject line.

Applications should be received no later than September 26 at 11:59 p.m. ET.


Role of CKC’s Advocacy Committee   

The Advocacy Committee serves to advance the goals and strategic advocacy priorities outlined in CKC’s national advocacy strategy to:
  • Establish CKC as a credible authority on all dog-related matters.
  • Assist CKC in building positive and sustainable relationships with governments and industry stakeholders.
  • Enable CKC to influence existing and future legislation/regulations (Government/veterinary) related to canine health and wellbeing.
Primary responsibilities of committee members include:
  • Working with CKC staff to support CKC’s national advocacy strategy with a focus on board approved advocacy priorities and aligning with established key messages and position statements.
  • Learning and assisting in the development of new or improved advocacy position statements, policy briefs, etc., as well as membership engagement and communications re: advocacy developments.
  • Providing strategic advice and input on new and potential legislation impacting purebred dogs and CKC members.
  • Advising on the development of the volunteer advocacy committee model.
  • Sharing best practices and providing feedback on initiatives impacting advocacy from cross-functional CKC committees and external stakeholders.
  • Learning and remaining committed to CKC advocacy priorities, positions, and key messages.
  • Undergoing training to support public relations, media and/or government work and other committee activities.
  • Participating in national and provincial volunteer advocacy activities and events as a CKC Ambassadors, including communicating with MPPs, meeting with government representatives with CKC.
  • Serving as subject-matter experts on strategic advocacy priorities where appropriate and identifying other members as advocates, experts, and/or ambassadors.
  • Identifying other responsibilities that would advance CKC’s strategic advocacy priorities, and the goals and objectives established by CKC and the Advocacy Committee.
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