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Notice to All Breed Conformation Clubs Re: Breed Standards Update

Effective July 1, 2024 the CKC Breed Standards were updated with a new professional look on the CKC website. They are posted under the Events tab and then CKC Breed Standards. The effective date for all of the standards appears next to the breed name on the first page of each standard.

Within the new updated version, many errors were corrected, and we have standardized the measurements.

All-Breed Conformation Clubs are required to have a complete set of the Breed Standards available at each ring of a show, therefore, we are pleased to advise that the CKC is offering each All-Breed Conformation Club 1 complete set of the Breed Standards book at no charge. The binder will include a copy of the DQ Booklet.

To request the printed copy of the new updated Breed Standards book at no charge, please e-mail the CKC at [email protected] with the Subject Line as Breed Standards. All orders for additional copies should be directed to the Order Desk.

All requests for the copy at no charge must be received by December 20, 2024. Unfortunately, the Breed Standards are not available in French at this time. We are working to ensure that they are updated and match the English.

Please note that we are creating a new section on the CKC website where the CKC Breed Standards are posted called Breed Standard Updates. Effective January 1, 2025, all updates to Breed Standards will be posted in that section with the breed name and date. Clubs and judges will be required to update their new Breed Standard binder by printing those pages on their own. There is no longer a Breed Standard Amendment Service.

Lastly, as a reminder, effective July 1, 2024, the Pumi and Viringo were eligible to compete in CKC events in Group 2 (Viringo – 3 varieties - Small, Medium, Large), and Group 7 (Pumi).

Should you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact the Event Planning Department in Shows and Trials.
AccueilHome > News > 2024 > September > Notice to All Breed Conformation Clubs Re: Breed Standards Update