Effective January 1, 2025, CKC will be recognizing titles from the UpDog Challenge Program.
The UpDog Challenge is an exciting competition where humans and their dogs team up to play a variety of disc-based games, some even combined with agility elements. With a wide range of games to choose from, there’s something for everyone.
The CKC is thrilled to adopt the UpDog Title Recognition Program beginning January 1, 2025. In addition, any titles earned from UpDog Challenge prior to this initial launch date will be eligible for a CKC Title Recognition as well. The CKC Office will be accepting applications on or after January 1, 2025.
To earn a CKC Title through this program, the team must earn 2 or 3 titles within each group. For example, for Crossover Bronze Beginner one must earn 2 UPS Bronze Beginner titles from the Crossover Category of games offered to earn the Cross Bronze Beginner (CBB). To earn a Throwing Gold Advanced (TGA) one must earn 3 UPS titles from the Throwing Category at the Advanced Level.