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M9C 5K6
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2023 Referendum Approval by Agriculture Canada

We are pleased to announce that CKC has received approval from the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) of the 2023 Referendum.

The 2023 Referendum contained 10 By-law updates, 51 Rules of Eligibility (ROE’s) and approval of the Dogue de Bordeaux as a recognized breed.

The Rules of Eligibility changes will apply to the following breeds.
American Eskimo Dog Japanese Spitz
Australian Shepherd Lakeland Terrier
Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog Lhasa Apso
Bearded Collie Lowchen
Bedlington Terrier Maltese
Belgian Shepherd Dog Miniature Pinscher
Berger des Pyrenees Norwegian Buhund
Berger Picard Old English Sheepdog
Bichon Frise Papillon
Bouvier des Flandres Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Boxer Pomeranian
Briard Poodle
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puli
Chihuahua Schapendoes
Chinese Crested Dog Schipperke
Chow Chow Shetland Sheepdog
Collie Shiba Inu
Dalmatian Shih Tzu
Deerhound (Scottish) Silky Terrier
Dogue de Bordeaux Spaniel (Irish Water)
English Toy Spaniel Swedish Vallhund
Entlebucher Mountain Dog Tibetan Terrier
German Shepherd Dog West Highland White Terrier
Griffon (Brussels) Xoloitzcuintli
Havanese Yorkshire Terrier
Italian Greyhound  
Over the coming weeks, CKC will make any necessary changes to our systems and official documents (i.e. forms, policies, etc.) to implement the changes from the 2023 Referendum. We will notify our members when these changes are complete, allowing them to register their Dogue de Bordeaux, view the updated ROE’s before registering new dogs, and read the changed by-laws in the updated By-laws booklet.

CKC continues to follow up with Agriculture Canada regarding the approval of the 2022 Referendum. We will provide an update for members as soon as it is possible.
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