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10 Days Left to Apply for a CKC Committee!

Your Club, Your Committees.

We are recruiting new Committee members in a number of areas, and we would value your involvement!

Canadian Kennel Club committees draw together experienced members with a high level of expertise from different regions of Canada to engage, support, and improve your club! These committees recommend actions in matters that require their specialized knowledge and/or sound judgement. 

An ideal Committee member is someone with a passion and commitment to purebred dogs, their community, and the preservation of breeds.

Joining a Canadian Kennel Club committee requires a three-year time commitment from those appointed. Committee members must be able to attend regular meetings and be able to commit time between meetings to further the Committee’s work.

We are currently recruiting for the following Standing Committees to bring them to full complement: Brachycephalic Breeds Advocacy Committee, Breed Standards, Breeder Relations, Communications, Event Officiating, Genetics & Medical, IT Steering, and Rules of Eligibility committees. In addition, we have vacancies to fill on the Registration Committee and Discipline Committee. For more information on our committees, please visit the CKC website. If you think your experience makes you good match for one or more committees, we want to hear from you!

Please complete this form and send it to [email protected] by February 16th, 2024, at 5 pm EDT. All candidates will be reviewed, and committee members selected at the March 2024 Board of Directors meeting.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and application for one of our committees!
AccueilHome > News > 2024 > February > 10 Days Left to Apply for a CKC Committee!