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Great News for CKC Conformation Judges - Eligibility to Officiate at FCI International Events

The CKC has been working with FCI to update the Memorandum of Understanding regarding CKC Conformation Judges. We are pleased to announce that effective May 1, 2024, there are exciting changes for our Conformation Judges. There is no longer a need for a judge to judge four (4) National Shows in four (4) Different FCI member countries before they are allowed to award CACIB’s. Conformation Judges will now be allowed to judge the breeds they are approved to judge in Canada and award CACIB’s.
To view the FCI member countries:
Below is the new revised Memorandum of Understanding effective May 1, 2024:
  1. CKC judges are allowed to judge in the FCI member countries all-breed, group and specialty national shows, the breeds they are approved to judge in Canada.
  2. CKC judges are allowed to judge the breeds they are approved to judge in Canada, at FCI International CACIB Shows and are allowed to award CACIB to them.
It will be the responsibility of the FCI Office and of the judges concerned to keep track of assignments undertaken in an FCI member country. Taking into account the legal restrictions on the exercise of extra-territorial jurisdiction by the CKC, it will be the responsibility of the CKC to communicate them to their judges and the practical implementation and enforcement of the agreed above principles will be under the responsibility of the FCI Office, of the FCI members and the judges concerned.
AccueilHome > News > 2024 > April > Great News for CKC Conformation Judges - Eligibility to Officiate at FCI International Events