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mail[email protected] Telephone 416-675-5511 TelephoneToll-Free 1-855-364-7252 location 5397 Eglinton Avenue W.
Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
hoursMonday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST We're open right now! Nous sommes ouverts!

Membership Plus Toll Free

Adhésion Plus – sans frais

Order Desk

Bureau des commandes

Your Club is Here to Help!

Besoin d’aide? Le Club est à votre disposition.

If you’ve lost registration paperwork or certificates due to circumstances out of your control (fires, floods, etc.), please reach out to us using one of the above methods and we can help replace your important documents.

Attention Breeders!

We have created a friendly easy to use tool for you to maintain your Private Breeding Records for your litters and progeny.

On the CKC Website, under Forms, Registration, Private Breeding Records, you will find a fillable form you can use for recording this information.

This can easily be saved to your computer for each of your litters.
Private Breeding Record books will still be available via the CKC’s Order Desk.
As a reminder, as per CKC’s By-laws:

Every person who is engaged in the breeding, buying or selling of dogs, whether as principal or agent or assignee, shall keep and retain for at least seven (7) years, a record which shall contain all of the following information:
(a) Full particulars of every dog in his possession by reason of ownership, lease or agreement.
(b) Full particulars of every dog the person imported to Canada including date of purchase and date of importation.
(c) Full particulars of every dog the person sold or otherwise disposed of including date of sale and name and full address of the person to whom the dog was sold or otherwise disposed of.
(d) Full particulars of every dog to which his dog was mated including the name and full address of the owner and dates of mating.

If you have any questions, please contact our friendly customer service representatives by phone at 416-675-5511 (Toll-Free 1-855-364-7252), or email at [email protected].
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