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Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
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If you’ve lost registration paperwork or certificates due to circumstances out of your control (fires, floods, etc.), please reach out to us using one of the above methods and we can help replace your important documents.

Voting is Now Open!

It’s time to have your say in this year’s Election and Referendums!
From Nov. 1 - Nov. 30 (11:59 p.m. ET), 2023, eligible members (members in good standing who been a member for at least one year and are 19 years of age or older) will have the opportunity to vote.
In addition to the election for your 2024 - 2026 Board of Directors, there are important CKC by-laws to vote on and the crucial next step for the Dogue de Bordeaux to become a fully recognized breed.
Voting is quick and easy! Ensure you submit your vote before Nov. 30 when the voting period ends.
Voting Online:

Step 1:

Log in to your Member Portal account.
(If you have not yet created a Portal account, you will be required to do so before you can vote.)

Step 2:
Click the “Vote Now” button on the homepage of your Member Portal account. This will bring you to the voting portal hosted by BigPulse where you will complete and submit your electronic ballot.
Voting by Mail:

If you requested a paper ballot before the deadline of Oct. 14, you would receive your ballot by mail. Paper ballots must be received by Nov. 30, 2023Please allow enough time for Canada Post to deliver your ballot on time.

If you have any questions about the voting process, please contact us at [email protected].
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