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Election & Referendum: Further Information

With our referendums & elections in full swing, we’ve heard feedback that more information on several key items on the ballot is needed to help guide and inform member’s decisions.

> Amendment 7: Amendment to “Full Particulars” to include medical records
  • This amendment was put forth following member feedback regarding CKC members who house and breed dogs without providing appropriate basic care for those animals.
  • This is an addition to the records breeders are expected to maintain on dogs in their possession or that they have sold, that may be requested as part of CKC’s registration process if a charge or complaint is laid concerning the well-being of breeding animals under the care of a CKC member.
  • Just like the existing requirement to keep accurate and up-to-date breeding records, the additional records would only ever be requested in conjunction with a request from the Registration Committee.
  • We encourage you to read the whole of By-law 22 for more detail on what and when records might be requested by the Registration Committee (or a CKC staff member working on their behalf).
Review of the Rules of Eligibility process
  • ROE is drafted by the breed club.
  • Breeders and enthusiasts of that breed are polled and a majority in favour to accept the ROE as written. Members and Non-Members alike were polled as well as anyone who had a litter in the last 5 years of that breed. In addition, there was a 30 day sign up window for other enthusiasts. This fulsome outreach was designed to seek feedback from all interested and involved parties.
  • Only breeds where the majority of those polled were in favour of the ROE as written were included in the referendum.
  • The referendum is the next step in adding these approved ROE’s to the CKC By-Laws. 
Please also find these instructions on how to vote.
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