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Government of Nova Scotia to Revisit Development of Pet Establishment Regulations

CKC recently learned that the Government of Nova Scotia is considering re-forming the Minister’s Forum on Animal Welfare given renewed interest regarding the development of regulations for pet establishments under the Animal Protection Act. We have been in touch with the Minister’s office to offer our assistance and expertise on this matter.

As you may know, CKC’s Zone 1 Director, Frank MacArthur, was invited to join a sub-committee of the Minister’s Forum in 2021 to draft recommendations on the regulation and licensing of pet establishments in Nova Scotia. CKC and our members support the humane treatment of animals and the efforts of the Nova Scotia Government and SPCA to eliminate any abuses of dogs across our province. However, there was a lack of transparent governance regarding the 2021 development process for Pet Establishment Regulations and CKC appreciates the current Ministry’s plan to take a more balanced approach on future development of licensing and regulations for pet establishments, including kennels.
Your Nova Scotia team, including Frank MacArthur, Emily Gratton, Nova Scotia representative on the CKC National Advocacy & Government Relations Committee and Lendra Barker, Past Zone 1 Director continue to work with our Nova Scotia focus group and CKC head office to keep you informed about this evolving situation.

CKC and its members want to work with the Nova Scotia government, the NS SPCA and other stakeholders, to develop regulations that are non-discriminatory, reasonable, and enforceable—that will ensure humane living conditions and ethical practices for all pet facilities.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Frank MacArthur at [email protected].
AccueilHome > News > 2023 > March > Government of Nova Scotia to Revisit Development of Pet Establishment Regulations