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mail[email protected] Telephone 416-675-5511 TelephoneToll-Free 1-855-364-7252 location 5397 Eglinton Avenue W.
Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
hoursMonday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST We're open right now! Nous sommes ouverts!

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If you’ve lost registration paperwork or certificates due to circumstances out of your control (fires, floods, etc.), please reach out to us using one of the above methods and we can help replace your important documents.

FREE Breeder Education with Royal Canin Academy

Have you heard? CKC partnered with Royal Canin Canada, bringing science-based education and resources to our CKC member breeders.
As part of this partnership, Royal Canin is opening their virtual Royal Canin Academy doors to all CKC members, free of charge!
Developed by world experts in canine breeding, the Royal Canin Academy is used by breeders and Kennel Clubs around the world. It features relevant and accurate scientific-based digital content and resources on canine breeding specifically created for breeders like you.
With hours of digital content and resources available 24/7, built-in tracking, and feedback opportunities, Royal Canin Academy has something for everyone - whether you’re new to breeding or have been involved in your breed for decades. 
With more content and courses in development (by our members, for our members!), take advantage of this amazing member benefit and join the Academy today!
Register for the Royal Canin Academy
AccueilHome > News > 2023 > March > FREE Breeder Education with Royal Canin Academy