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Notice to Canine Good Neighbour Evaluators & Council Members

The following motion regarding the Policy and Procedures Manual, Chapter VII. Judges was carried at the May 2023 Board Meeting. This motion is an amendment to the current Policy and Procedures Manual, Chapter VII. Judges. The amendment is the addition of Section S shown below:
Section S, Canine Good Neighbour Evaluators.
  1. Eligibility Requirements
    1. CGN Evaluators must be a Canadian Kennel Club member in good standing.
    2. The applicant must submit a completed application with all pertinent documentation to CKC.
  1. Licensing
    1. Each successful applicant, prior to being granted a license must pass the written exam with a minimum score of 93% and watch the educational training video for all evaluators.  A declaration in this regard must be signed.
    2. An applicant who has successfully completed all of the requirements above will have their name added to the list of licensed Canadian Kennel Club CGN Evaluators.
    3. Each new CGN Evaluator will be observed by a member of the CGN Council during their first 2 assignments to evaluate tests.  Once the evaluator has been observed at their first 2 CGN tests, and the CGN Council Representative has deemed them “ready”, then the Evaluator can continue on with regular Evaluator status.  If the Evaluator is observed and deemed “not ready”, the Council Representative will direct the evaluator to review the educational package and must be observed 1 more time. If after the third observation the evaluator is not deemed ready by the CGN Council representative then the evaluator status is revoked. As well, Council Representation will instruct the Head Office to remove the evaluator from the list of licensed Canadian Kennel Club CGN Evaluator.
    4. An applicant who has successfully completed all of the requirements above will have their name added to the list of licensed Canadian Kennel Club CGN Evaluators.
    5. CGN Council Representatives may observe and report any evaluator conducting a CGN Test with no prior notice using the CGN Evaluator Reporting Form. Forms will be submitted to the CKC Office for review if the evaluator does not execute all test steps correctly. Evaluators will be notified by CKC that a report has been submitted and will face consequences if test steps are not followed properly.
    6. All licensed evaluators pay an annual licensing renewal fee and will be required to complete an educational program at least once every 2 years.  Any licensed evaluator that has lapsed will not be permitted to evaluate and will have their name removed from the list of licensed Canadian Kennel Club CGN Evaluators. 
    7. All licensed evaluators, must comply 100% with the test steps as outlined in the current Evaluator and Participant Guides.
  1. Reinstatement of Evaluating Privileges
    1. A lapsed licensed evaluator who wishes to have their judging privileges reinstated, and have lapsed in their dues for one year must re-qualify by:
      1. paying all dues for the years lapsed plus the current year.
      2. re-write exam passing with a minimum score of 93%.
      3. redo the current education package.
    2. Any evaluator that has lapsed for 2 years or more must reapply to become a CGN Evaluator as outlined in Section 2 – Licensing.
AccueilHome > News > 2023 > June > Notice to Canine Good Neighbour Evaluators & Council Members