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CKC Consults with Quebec’s MAPAQ on Key Canine Issues

To advance important issues affecting canine health and wellbeing in Quebec, CKC met with representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec - MAPAQ) in early June to review items in the regulation that were passed in August 2022 regarding the Welfare and safety of domestic companion animals and equines.

Discussions included the following:
  • An Implementation Guide will be made available to CKC and other stakeholders in fall 2023 that will provide details about the interpretation of the Regulation, before it becomes effective in February 2024. The Guide will be considered final when published, but the Ministry will consider additional details recommended by stakeholders that may enhance the Guide as it evolves.
  • We verified that the registry information requested under the regulation is for inspection purposes and is information that members already have access to via CKC’s member portal.
  • While all dogs must visit a veterinarian before breeding, such a visit may take place at a time when a dog is vaccinated or for any other trip made to the vets in advance of any intended breeding. The intent is to ensure that all dogs have seen a veterinarian at some point prior to breeding. We do not believe this will be an extra burden on members who have a healthy breeding program.
  • We reinforced CKC’s position regarding cropping and docking and requested further review of the existing Regulation. MAPAQ acknowledged that there was a great deal of feedback and research on this matter, but unfortunately, there is no reasonable expectation of changing the Regulation now that it has been passed.
  • MAPAQ clarified that the Implementation Guideline would refer to general care requirements for the dam and her puppies during the weaning process. You can view existing guidelines (available in French only) for the current Regulation to get an idea of what those requirements would look like.

In addition, CKC—represented by our Quebec-based consultant—was invited to participate in a consultation with MAPAQ on June 16 along with other dog breeder organizations and two representatives from the animal welfare sector. MNA Audrey Bogemans, as well as ministry and political staff attended and Ms. Bogemans led the discussions, which focussed on three main subjects: permits/licenses, inspections, and responsible adoption/breeding. The meeting was productive and provided an excellent opportunity to reiterate the value of CKC member breeders. We expressed support for the Ministry’s efforts to target substandard producers of unhealthy dogs and discouraged unnecessarily burdening responsible breeders.

Stakeholder consultations, along with the hiring of new animal welfare inspectors are part of the Ministry’s latest plans to bolster animal welfare efforts in Quebec. An official report on MAPAQ’s stakeholder consultations will be drafted in fall 2023 and made public in the first half of 2024. CKC looks forward to future collaboration with the Ministry and political officials in support of the health and wellbeing of all dogs.
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