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Top Herding Dogs of 2022

Herding tests and trials are open to all breeds. The sport requires dogs to move a group of livestock (ducks, sheep or cattle) through a designated course of gates and into a pen. Guided by the commands of their handlers, the dogs must be forceful enough to maintain control of the stock, yet quiet enough not to panic or scatter the herd.

2022 was an exciting year for Herding in a Canada as not one, but two brilliant dogs tied for the Top Spot! Denny, a Border Collie from Saskatchewan earned the honour in his first year of trialing. Kaique, an Australian Shepherd from Quebec also takes the top spot. Kaique loves the thrill of Herding and always aims to please his owner/handler Elizabeth.

#1 - Sommer Denny HAS

Call Name: Denny
Border Collie    
Owners: Christine & Matt Garrity
Handler: Brandy-Lee Frazlic
Breeders: Bev & Norm Sommer
Date of Birth: September 14, 2020

#1 - Chuckanut Kaique of Alphabet SDIS HAS

Call Name: Kaique  
Australian Shepherd
 Elizabeth B-Richard,
Handler: Elizabeth B-Richard
Breeder: Jan M Wesen  
Date of Birth: April 15, 2018

The Canadian Kennel Club proudly congratulates Denny and Kaique as well as their human teammates on their achievements! Two incredible dogs that share the Top Herding Dog title for 2022!
View Top Herding Dogs
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