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Breed Standards Update Allows for Choice Re: Cropping, Docking and Dewclaw Removal

An update has been made to breed standards that reference cropping, docking and dewclaw removal to allow for freedom of choice, effective July 1, 2023, based on the following motion that was passed at the December 2022 Board meeting.
#31-12-22 “THAT, the breed standards for breeds that include docking, and/or ear cropping, and/or dewclaw removal, be updated to align with CKC Policy and government and veterinary regulations. The Breed Standards Committee will work with the relevant breed clubs to address these changes to be effective July 1, 2023 — at which time the Board will make the necessary changes to all breed standards.”

While many breed standards have been updated over the past decade to allow for freedom of choice, the Breed Standards Committee worked with the remaining, impacted breed clubs to address this update. Breed standards are used within the CKC community but also represent our club and the greater dog fancy to other stakeholders who are also interested in the health and well-being of dogs. We appreciate the collaborative efforts of the Breed Standards Committee and the breed clubs regarding this important update.
AccueilHome > News > 2023 > July > Breed Standards Update Allows for Choice Re: Cropping, Docking and Dewclaw Removal