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M9C 5K6
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2023 Election - Nominations for Board Members are now Open

The CKC Board of Directors is comprised of one representative from each of the 12 Zones. Do you know someone in your Zone who is a great candidate for the Board?

Have your say for who you want to represent your Zone on the 2024 - 2026 CKC Board of Directors.
Responsible for presenting the concerns and opinions of the constituents in their respective Zones, Zone Directors also have the fiduciary responsibility to:
  • act, at all times, in the best interests of The Canadian Kennel Club as a whole;
  • with complete certainty, be aware of and fully understand all matters relating to the management of the corporation and shall, at all times, be comfortable that they are fully aware of all the facts prior to making any decision on any matter before the Board;
  • continually maintain a level of mutual respect in the performance of their duties, whether those duties being performed are at the table, in their respective zones or in communication with the membership of The Canadian Kennel Club or the general public;
  • respect and accept the decision of the majority and thereafter shall support any decision which is made by the Board as a whole, regardless of their personal opinions and regardless of the manner in which they may have voted at the time.
To nominate someone, please download the PDF form, fill it out, and send via email to Commissioner: [email protected] or via mail to 360 Oakville Place Drive, Suite 500, Oakville, Ontario L6H 6K8.

Don't wait! Nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m. EDT on Sept. 1st, 2023.
All members are set-up to vote electronically. If you wish to vote via paper ballot, please email [email protected] by Oct. 14, 2023.
Reminder: Only CKC Members in good standing are eligible to participate in elections and referendums. If you have yet to renew your Membership for 2023 please contact Membership Services Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT on Live Chat at, or via phone at 1-855-364-7252 (toll-free).
AccueilHome > News > 2023 > July > 2023 Election - Nominations for Board Members are now Open