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Publish for Comment: Club Status Change, Name and Area of Operation

The following club has applied for CKC for
a club name change, status change, and revised Area of Operation:
NAME OF CLUB: Great Lakes Whippet Club
TYPE OF CLUB: Provincial
Current area of operation: Ontario

Proposed Name: Great Lakes to Atlantic Whippet Club
Proposed area of operation: Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick 
President: Laurie Rusticus
Vice-President: Elisa Holland
Secretary: Sheri Cordeiro

Treasurer: Stephanie Hill


To review the Publish for Comment, login to the CKC Online Portal and click the Resources tab in the menu bar, then select Publish for Comment in the scroll down menu.

Comment submissions begin December 18, 2023. 


Applications can also be sent in by mail *prior to December 18, 2023:

Canadian Kennel Club
Attention: Shows & Trials

5397 Eglinton Ave. W, Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6



Deadline for submission is January 18, 2024.

*If sending by mail, please mail with enough time for your submission to reach the office by the deadline.

AccueilHome > News > 2023 > December > Publish for Comment: Club Status Change, Name and Area of Operation