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Zone 12 By-election Results

Dear Zone 12 members,
Thank you for taking the time to vote in the recent by-election. We appreciate your engagement and support.
We are pleased to announce the winner of the Zone 12 by-election is Tammy Luethje. Tammy comes from a long line of dog show enthusiasts; her grandmother showed dogs and her mother was a Life Member of CKC. Tammy began in the dog world at age 5 when she attended her first dog show with her mom.
Tammy is looking forward to giving back to the hobby that has given so much to herself and her family. CKC Zone Directors play an important role by representing the members in their territory. We look forward to working with Tammy to serve Zone 12. 
Tammy will commence her new role immediately.
AccueilHome > News > 2022 > October > Zone 12 By-election Results