Below is a reminder of the exception motions in place for events held in 2022 only:
- Priority dates will not become null and void if a club is not able to hold an event on its priority dates. Regardless of whether or not the club held an official event on its priority dates in 2021.
- When a club is not able to hold its event(s) on its priority dates, an application for an alternate event date must be made on the form provided and received at Head Office not less than 90 days prior to the date on which the event is to be held.
- If a club that holds priority dates is not able to hold events on its priority dates, other clubs will not be permitted to apply to hold events on priority dates that belong to another club without the club’s written permission from at least 2 club officers (ie: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer)
- A club can only apply to hold the same number of sets of dates and the same number of Conformation Shows that it held prior to the year 2020.
- A club can apply to hold a second set of conformation shows provided that the dates comply with Chapter VI, Shows & Trials, Section N, Conformation Events, Sub Section 8, Second Set of Conformation Show Dates, of the Policy & Procedures, as well as the motions noted above.