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CKC Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Offers Support for Affected Dog Community

The Canadian Kennel Club strongly condemns the invasion of Ukraine by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. We are deeply saddened and shocked by the atrocities committed against the Ukrainian people and we stand in full solidarity with the nation of Ukraine against this violation of human rights.
Our thoughts are with our Ukrainian friends who are subject to this escalating humanitarian crisis and fear for their lives, and the lives of their dogs. To support the Ukrainian dog community, CKC has pledged to donate $5,000 to a fund that is being established by The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). We encourage CKC members and clubs to donate to the FCI fund, which will support the Ukrainian Kennel Club, Ukrainian breeders, and dog owners and their dogs affected by living in Ukraine or neighbouring countries.

Further details about the FCI Fund can be found at the following link:


AccueilHome > News > 2022 > March > CKC Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Offers Support for Affected Dog Community