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Update on City of Toronto’s Animal Bylaw Review

Following a review of its animal control bylaw and stakeholder consultations in 2021/2022, the City of Toronto developed a report that contains proposed amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 349, Animals regarding enhancing outdoor animal shelter standards, in addition to the feeding of wildlife and ownership of rabbits, guinea pigs and pigeons.  
The city’s report also provides updates regarding pet licensing, the feasibility of a permitted animal list, regulating dog kennels through licensing and the regulation of procedures such as cat declawing, tail docking and ear cropping.

Please view the city’s full report on the proposed amendments, including plans for implementation and further public and stakeholder consultations on the licensing of pet establishments.
The Economic and Community Development Committee will be considering the city’s report on July 6, 2022, or at an earlier meeting if called by the Chair. If you wish to provide feedback about any matters being considered by the committee, please contact the city to have your say
AccueilHome > News > 2022 > June > Update on City of Toronto’s Animal Bylaw Review