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CKC Seeks Volunteers For Conformation Judge Observer Program

The Event Officiating committee is seeking volunteers to serve as Observers as part of the Conformation Judge Observer Program.

The Observer Program has been developed in an effort to maintain the integrity and high standards expected of CKC Conformation Judges. It will ensure consistency for judges as well as exhibitors.

Observers work together with Area Coordinators and are responsible for Conformation Judge Observations. The Area Coordinator will be responsible for training the volunteer observers in their respective zones. The term of appointment is 3 years.

Eligibility to serve as an Observer is as follows:
  • CKC All Breed Conformation Judges (credit towards the 5 year education program will be given)
  • CKC Conformation Judges that are licensed to judge 3 or more complete groups (credit towards the 5 year education program will be given)
  • CKC member s with 10 years or more of current exhibiting and breeding experience, and a minimum of 5 years experience as either a Ring Steward, a Show Secretary, a Show Superintendent, or Show Chair at conformation shows.

A copy of the full policy can be viewed here.

To be considered, please forward a cover letter expressing your interest to serve as an Observer. Your cover letter must be accompanied with a copy of your C.V. and/or a summary detailing your relevant background. Please send your submission to Tracy Kent, Manager, Events at [email protected] or by mail to 200 Ronson Drive, Suite 400, Etobicoke ON M9W 6Z9 by July 15, 2022.
AccueilHome > News > 2022 > June > CKC Seeks Volunteers For Conformation Judge Observer Program