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Recording for Member Webinar and Symposium on Healthy Dog Breeding Now Available

Most recently, CKC held a member webinar on How Breeders can Ensure a Healthier Future for Brachycephalic Breeds. The focus was on the role of the breeder in optimizing the health and welfare of brachycephalic breeds, local and international perspectives and the work of the Brachycephalic Breeds Advocacy Committee with regards to this complex issue.

In addition, a Symposium was held in collaboration with IPFD and CVMA, on Healthy Dog Breeding to explore the challenges, responsibilities and opportunities related to the health and welfare of dogs with extreme conformation, from the perspective of the breeder, show judge and veterinary community, in addition to the pet industry.

We thank our members and breed clubs for their valuable and insightful comments on these virtual events. Please know that this is the start of many more discussions on this important subject, as we move forward, collectively, to support the health of all breeds, including brachycephalic breeds.

If you were unable to attend the member webinar and Symposium, simply log in to the online Portal to view these events and our collection of Educational Resources.

AccueilHome > News > 2022 > July > Recording for Member Webinar and Symposium on Healthy Dog Breeding Now Available