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July P&P Updates | Re: Non-Standard Colours

In 2020 the CKC Board Of Directors appointed a Non-Standard Colours Ad Hoc Committee to examine solutions for the registration of non-standard colours in a breed.  
Based on the Committee’s report, the Board approved an amendment to the Policy and Procedures Manual, effective July 1, 2022, which allows for the following:  
  1. The accurate colour and pattern of the dog should be selected from the available recognized choices for the breed. 
  2. Where the colour and/or pattern of the dog does not conform to one of the available recognized choices for the breed, the category “non-standard colour” (NSC) should be selected, and the specific colour/pattern should be indicated in the available write-in/type-in field.  
  3. The CKC may request DNA parentage verification testing before registering any or all NSC dog registrations. 
  4. Permitted colours and patterns for a breed may be specified or restricted in the ROE for the breed.  Where the indicated NSC is restricted in the ROE for the breed, a conditional registration will be provided.   
  5. Where the change of colour is to a NSC, 1-4 above will apply for the amended certificate. 
  6. Where the change of colour is from a NSC to a recognized choice for the breed, an examination committee may be required to make the final determination, subject to the fee set out in the Schedule of Fees available on the CKC website.  
The changes listed in the amendment will vastly improve the accuracy of our registry and allow us to better understand the extent of non-standard colour registrations in breeds.
Despite non-standard colour dogs not aligning with the traditions of our breeds, and our breed standards, most still qualify for registration. As per the Animal Pedigree Act, only dogs that do not meet the established ROE are ineligible for registration. Rules of Eligibility (ROE) define the characteristics of a breed and can include colour among the characteristics. As our ROE are developed and approved by the breed clubs and members of the CKC, non-traditional colours could be specified as acceptable or unacceptable as a characteristic of the breed. 
Through the Non-Standard Colours Committee, the ROE Committee, and the Board, it was determined that ROE are the only existing mechanism that could effectively address non-standard colours, while staying in compliance with our requirements for registration under the Animal Pedigree Act.
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