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CKC Seeks Quebec Member Volunteer for National Advocacy and Government Relations Committee

The CKC Board of Directors encourages active participation from CKC members and requests submissions from interested parties to fill one (1) vacant position as a Quebec member representative for the National Advocacy and Government Relations Committee for the 2022-2023 term.  
Applications should be received no later than February 25, 2022.
Applicants must be voting members. Voting members are considered those members who are in good standing and who have completed one year of continuous membership in the Club. To be considered, please complete this fillable form.  Send your completed form by email to [email protected] with “National Advocacy and Government Relations” noted in the subject line. 

Terms of Reference
National Advocacy and Government Relations Committee
The National Advocacy and Government Relations Committee shall be a committee of eleven (11) to thirteen (13) in total; including one (1) representative of the Communications committee and; one (1) member representing each province with a background in at least one of the following:
  • Legal
  • Government lobbying/politics
  • Marketing/communications
  • Media/PR
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Science/research
  • Animal welfare and agriculture
The committee may include up to an additional two (2) non-member expert representatives from one or more of the aforementioned areas of expertise. A minimum of eleven (11) members shall be drawn from the CKC membership. The mandate of the committee shall be to further the CKC’s position in relation to animal advocacy issues and the role of purebred dogs, dogs, breeders and dog ownership at the municipal, provincial and national level, and to advise the Board on all such issues. The Committee shall also be responsible for recommendations to the Board in the development and amendment of legislative policies.           
Preference will be given to an applicant with familiarity in subjects impacting CKC and purebred dogs, including:
  • Dog importation
  • Retail rescue and pet trafficking
  • Breed specific legislation/dangerous dog legislation
  • Legislative development
  • Policy development
  • Animal rights activism
  • Performance dog activities and needs
  • Breeding and conformation issues and needs
AccueilHome > News > 2022 > February > CKC Seeks Quebec Member Volunteer for National Advocacy and Government Relations Committee