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CKC Member Breeders Invited to Participate in OVC Research Project Re: Early Puppy Behavioural Development

CKC is pleased to work with researchers from the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), University of Guelph, to support studies on puppy behaviour and management of breeding bitches. Currently, researchers are conducting a study on early puppy behavioural development, to determine how competitive behaviour develops in litters of puppies, whether it translates to competitive behaviour later in life, and how different experiences around nursing, play and feeding influence competitiveness.
Researchers are recruiting participants who are expecting a litter of puppies in the next 12 months for a simple video project. They would like you to take brief videos when the litter is 3 weeks old and then again at 6 weeks and send them to the email below or post them unlisted on YouTube. These videos would be followed by a brief questionnaire about how you manage your facility at 8 weeks of age.
What does the project entail
  1. Video of the litter nursing at 3 weeks of age 
  2. Video of the litter eating at 6 weeks of age 
  3. Video of the litter playing with toys at 6 weeks of age  
  4. Questionnaire of management practices at 8 weeks of age
If you are expecting a litter and interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Dr. Lee Niel, Associate Professor & Col KL Campbell Chair in Companion Animal Welfare or Quinn Rausch (PhD Candidate) at [email protected]. For further details about this research please visit The Puppy Project.
Note: The project and communications with OVC researchers are in English only.
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