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Policy Changes in 2020 with Respect to COVID-19

To assist Clubs with continuing to host Agility trials during COVID-19 restrictions, throughout 2020 the CKC Board of Directors approved the following change to our Agility Event Rules and Regulations for this rule to be held in abeyance for the duration of COVID-19.

15.6 Agility Rules & Regulations Chapter 6 Entries & End of Trial, Section 6.1.6 Entry Requirements

60-09-20 MOVED BY Linda St-Hilaire: “THAT, the Agility Rules and Regulations, Section 6.1.6, which reads as follows, be held in abeyance effective immediately for the duration of COVID-19:
6.1 Entry Requirements
6.1.6 An entry shall not be made at any agility trial under judge of any dog which the judge, or any member of his immediate family or household, owns or has owned (wholly or in part), sold, held under lease or personally, trained within 6 months prior to the date of the trial. Students may enter a trial which is being judged by their instructor. However, the above shall not apply at sanctioned matches.

➢ The motion was carried
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