The Obedience Trial & Rally Obedience Trial Rules & Regulations as well as the Hunt Test Rules & Regulations for All Sporting Spaniels with the effective date of January 1, 2021 are now available for purchase at the CKC order desk by calling 1-800-250-8040 or emailing [email protected].
Additionally, they can be viewed on the CKC website via the following links:
Hunt-Test-Rules-and-Regulations-For-All-Sporting-S (
Obedience-Trial-and-Rally-Obedience-Trial-Rules-an (
Due to the delay in the development of the Shows & Trials module, a motion was passed at the September 2020 CKC Board meeting to postpone the release of several other Event Rulebooks that are typically released with a January 1 effective date.
We have previously communicated that Conformation is currently the only event type available for staff inputting at this time. Therefore, this postponement is necessary to accommodate rule changes in these events affecting the tabulation of titles and points until the entering of all previous 2019 and 2020 Shows & Trials results are completed. Once that is completed, we will then move to the next priority of adding any changes indicated in these new rulebooks into the system.
The remainder of the Event Rulebooks that were scheduled for release in 2021 will be issued with an effective date of July 1, 2021 and will be available in the Spring of 2021.
Motion 53-09-20 “THAT, the release date of the following rulebooks that are effective
January 1, 2021 be postponed for 6 months, with an effective date of July 1, 2021:
Conformation Show Rules & Regulations
Earthdog Test Rules & Regulations
Herding Trial Rules & Regulations
Scent Detection Trial Rules & Regulations
Spaniel Field Trial Rules & Regulations”