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M9C 5K6
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Performance Events Update

Performance event processing functionality has launched.

We are still in the early stages of processing, yet all Obedience and Rally Obedience results from 2019 have been processed, and Agility results processing has begun.

Once an event is processed, qualifying scores and titles your dog earned at that event will show online. If you participated in an Obedience or Rally Obedience trial in late 2019 your dog’s scores are now visible online. 


What improved functionality does the new system give you?

View Your Points/Scores Online:

  • Points and scores earned at events from August 28th, 2019 onward can be viewed in the event results grids on your dog’s record.
    • Not sure how to access your dog’s record on the Portal? From the home screen locate your dog in the My Dog’s list and click on their name.
  • When your dog completes a title, it will display in the titles grid on the same page.
  • Haven’t created a Portal account yet? Follow the steps to create one here.

We have a significant amount of performance event results still to process from 2019 and 2020. We appreciate your patience as we work through the backlog and mail out corresponding title certificates.  We will continue to update you on this work through and the newsletter.


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