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Notice to Conformation Clubs & Professional Show Services

This notice is to remind clubs of some of the Conformation Show Rules that might affect exhibitors as well as some miscellaneous information and updates.


Earlier this year the CKC announced that CanuckDogs and Sue Coghlan are now part of the CKC. CanuckDogs will be the source for everything “CKC” with regard to events.

This means that CanuckDogs is being updated on a daily basis with all of the approved event dates and judging panels. For events that are already approved, clubs are permitted to advertise their Judging Panels as “Pending CKC Approval” until December 31, 2021, as an exception that was made due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Clubs should be including CanuckDogs when posting this information.

Further, please remember that in order for CanuckDogs to post unofficial results, they must be provided by the club/event secretary in a timely manner.



Effective July 1, 2021, the Whippet was added to the list of breeds that may be judged on a ramp. This means that the Whippet can no longer be judged on the table. At the judge’s discretion it will be judged either on the ground or on a ramp.


Moving a Dog to Specials

8.10.3 When one or more all-breed and/or specialty shows are held on the same day, in the same venue, the request for moving of class dogs to Specials Only must be made a minimum of one (1) hour before breed judging starts of the show for which the dog is being moved up to Specials Only.

This rule was passed in June 2018. When a club is offering Multiple Shows and the shows are run concurrently, there can be complications.

Depending on the timing in the Judging Schedule, a dog can finish a championship in the morning at the second event and move up for afternoon judging in what is technically the first event. It is always best if the multiples shows are run consecutively (one after the other) rather than concurrently. When processing results, if the information is not documented properly, it can cause errors.


Conformation Sexually Altered

When clubs request to hold Sexually Altered classes they will be approved and issued a separate event number. This is for tracking and efficiency in our database. This does not change anything for clubs. Everything for the Sexually Altered classes and the submission of results remains the same.

Altered Points at Group Level

We have noted that clubs offering altered classes are not always awarding group placements when there is more than one dog in the group ring. Points will be awarded to dogs at the group level just like the regular conformation shows. Please ensure that if there is more than 1 dog in the Group, that all placements are awarded.

Reserve Best In Show

Please note that in accordance with the Conformation Show Rules, 4 Grand Champion (GCH) points will be awarded to a dog that already has a Champion title and is awarded Reserve Best In Show. If a dog that does not have a Champion title wins Reserve Best In Show, there are no additional Championship points awarded. This will be reviewed by the Conformation Council.

Temporary Competition Numbers

All dogs entered in CKC events that are not CKC registered must have a Temporary Competition Number (TCN) before entering into the event(s). This includes Baby Puppies in Conformation shows. Please note that Listed Breeds are not eligible for a TCN (effective July 6, 2021, this includes Baby Puppies). Listed Breeds must have a Miscellaneous Certification Number (MCN) before entering into an event. The Conformation Show Rules will be updated in this regard.
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