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Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
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CKC’s 2019 Annual Report Now Available

Picture1-1.pngOur 2019 Annual Report was presented this past weekend at CKC’s 2020 Annual General Meeting. If you didn’tget the chance to check it out, the 2019 Annual Report is now available on, or by clicking the cover image.
Each year, CKC releases an Annual Report that summarizes the Club’s yearly business activities and goals. It presents a wonderful opportunity for the Club to reflect on our performance and the many ways we engage both the membership and public. 
Highlights of this year’s report include new programs launched in 2019, including Scent Detection, Sprinter events, and titles from the leading Therapy Dog organizations in Canada, our advocacy and stakeholder relations work across the country, CKC by-laws and new breed recognition, the launch of a new computer system and member portal, and a new three-year Strategic Plan. 
We thank all members for their continued support and hope you find the 2019 Annual Report both engaging and informative. 
AccueilHome > News > 2020 > September > CKC’s 2019 Annual Report Now Available