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ATTN Clubs: Covid-19 Adjustments for Scent Detection

The following motion was passed by the CKC Board on September 22nd, 2020 during a Special Board meeting:

 “THAT, effective immediately and until the COVID-19 situation is resolved, that the following section of the Scent Detection Trial Rules & Regulations, effective January 1, 2019 be held in abeyance:
6.8.3 The following classes must be offered: Instinct & Novice.
 THAT, effective immediately and until the COVID-19 situation is resolved, clubs will be granted the flexibility to offer their choice of classes, elements and height divisions to meet the availability of facilities and comply with local and provincial regulations relevant to size limits of gatherings.”

This motion provides flexibility for clubs holding Scent Detection Trials, allowing them to offer the choice of classes without having to hold Instinct or Novice classes, offer some or all of the various components (Containers, Interior and Exterior), and offer some or all of the various height divisions (Small, Medium & Large) during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

A reminder that these are temporary policies in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
AccueilHome > News > 2020 > October > ATTN Clubs: Covid-19 Adjustments for Scent Detection