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mail[email protected] Telephone 416-675-5511 TelephoneToll-Free 1-855-364-7252 location 5397 Eglinton Avenue W.
Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
hoursMonday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST We're open right now! Nous sommes ouverts!

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Adhésion Plus – sans frais

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Bureau des commandes

Your Club is Here to Help!

Besoin d’aide? Le Club est à votre disposition.

If you’ve lost registration paperwork or certificates due to circumstances out of your control (fires, floods, etc.), please reach out to us using one of the above methods and we can help replace your important documents.

Join Us - CKC Quarterly Board Meeting

Join us (virtually) for a regular quarterly meeting of the CKC Board of Directors. 

When: Saturday, December 5th at 11:00 a.m. and Sunday, December 6th at 11:00 a.m. ET
Where: Online via Zoom

Participation is limited to the first 500 registrants. After this limit participation may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Please RSVP by Thursday, December 3rd to receive your link and password to the online webinar. 
Agendas and past meeting notes and synopses can be found on CKC’s online portal under the Resources tab in the blue menu bar.
AccueilHome > News > 2020 > November > Join Us - CKC Quarterly Board Meeting