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Message from the Executive Director

The Board of Directors and Senior Staff at the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), including myself, continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID-19. We are consulting with public health professionals to ensure we have the most current information available to inform CKC’s preparedness protocol both with staff at head office as well as within the CKC community.

CKC encourages the CKC community to exercise caution and follow government directives to stay safe and healthy, and to minimize risk. Over the weekend, we issued guidelines for Clubs when considering cancelling or postponing events that include government recommendations, risk considerations as well as easing CKC fees. We also issued similar guidelines for event participants.  To support our membership, staff are posting updates on CKC’s website to keep you informed with the latest information available. This includes a list of events that have been cancelled.

Internally, we are reducing CKC staff presence at head office by identifying options for staff to work from home and implementing relevant technology to support communications amongst staff and with members. We are preparing for various scenarios, such as being forced to minimize phone use because of an office closure and use of alternatives including live chat, email and voice messaging.

While we do not anticipate that our efforts to clear the backlog will be significantly impacted, we encourage members to go online and submit their applications via the Portal to reduce wait times. Most businesses and institutions globally are encouraging conducting business online to overcome some of the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and health of CKC staff and the CKC community is our utmost priority, so despite all of our efforts, service disruptions may occur due to this evolving crisis.

We all remain optimistic that these actions are responsible and precautionary in nature and we are hopeful that they will be in place for a short period of time. I am personally optimistic about CKC’s and the Canadian Dog Fancy’s ability to adapt and rebound from this situation.      

Best Regards,


Lance Novak
Executive Director
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