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Considerations for Club Event Participants/Attendees Re: COVID-19

The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) continues to closely monitor the evolving situation regarding COVID-19, in consultation with veterinary and public health professionals. In light of the evolving situation, we have received queries regarding club event cancellations/postponements.

The decision to cancel or postpone an event is the sole discretion of the event-giving club. This decision should be made with the consideration of the health and safety of staff and event participants, including:
  • consultation with the event venue
  • consideration of the size of the event and whether indoor/outdoor
  • access to handwashing stations
  • availability of judges
  • federal and provincial government restrictions and recommendations
Risk Considerations
  • Individuals are responsible for determining their risk of attending a show. They must refer to their provincial health authority, provincial government and Public Health Agency of Canada’s guidelines regarding being prepared and avoidance of crowds.
  • Participants/attendees must consider the impact of attending an event if they are considered high risk for a more severe outcome to exposure. This includes those who are
    • aged 65 and over
    • with a compromised immune system
    • with underlying medical condition(s)
  • Individuals are advised to practice hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, social distancing measures.
  • Event participants should check with the club as to their refund policy regarding entries should the club cancel an event. Note: If a club decides to cancel or delay an event in relation to COVID-19, the club will not be required to submit fees to CKC for cancellation, Temporary Competition (formerly listing fees) or recording. Note that non-CKC fees are out of CKC’s scope of control.
Government Health Guidelines
We continue to advise all staff, dog event participants and attendees to follow the guidelines provided by the federal, provincial and municipal governments, and the Public Health Agency of Canada. These include:
  • diligent personal hygiene and respiratory practices to stay healthy
  • social distancing
  • adherence to COVID-19-related travel advisories/restrictions
We have recommended to event-giving clubs that they provide enhanced measures for all dog events, including signage reminders, an abundance of hand sanitizer and hand washing areas accessible to participants and the public.

If you have entered an event and have questions regarding cancellations related to COVID-19, please contact the club event organizer/show secretary directly for further information.

We will continue to provide updates as the situation evolves.
AccueilHome > News > 2020 > March > Considerations for Club Event Participants/Attendees Re: COVID-19